Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Proverbs 12:28 "In the way of righteousness there is life; along that path is immortality."

Writing like this is something new for me.  Most of what I write very few people ever get to see.  However, at this time I’ve decided I need a writing outlet that can provide me with a chance to write with accountability.  By that I mean that those who can read this will be able to encourage, rebuke, criticize, and take me to task for what I say, especially if it does not glorify God.  I don’t mean for this blog to be something narcissistic, simply to gain me attention.  I won’t bore anyone with my daily life (seriously, no one needs to be told what I do every minute of every day; that’s part of why I don’t do Facebook or Twitter), though I may share some of the things my family does.  I hope to be able to entertain, encourage, and edify readers, especially those whose lives as wives and mothers are similar (in that respect) to mine.  I will post what I hope will be amusing stories (with names changed to protect the innocent, the not-so-innocent, and me from the not-so-innocent).  I hope to share spiritual and earthly tips for those who need and/or want them, though I will add a disclaimer: nothing of what I say is intended to be a substitute for advice and counsel by qualified doctors (I am not a doctor-not smart enough), therapists (I am not a therapist-not wise enough), preachers (I am not a preacher-many reasons here), accountants (I am not even close, never wanted to be, hate the thought of being an accountant), teachers (I homeschool and have a teaching degree, but there are others, like my sister, far more experienced than I), authors (I may recommend some books or reading material), or anyone else who is eminently more qualified than I am; I am qualified only to share what has worked in my life.  Advice is a dangerous gift, so I won’t give any more of that than necessary; I will share what has worked for me and/or my family.  Any links or recommendations are just suggestions and not necessarily an endorsement of everything therein.  A little bit of this and that since I am interested in so many things will round out this blog.  I hope to encourage myself and any who read this and point them to the Great Encourager and the only Hope of Mankind.  I may share opinions with which you agree or disagree; I’m not easily offended, so if you disagree, feel free to say so.  Each day is not complete if I don’t learn at least something.  However, I will not capitulate on matters of Biblical, spiritual, and moral absolute truth.  As Mike S. Adams said, “I want to be remembered as someone who feared the judgment of an eternal God more than he feared the judgment of future generations.”  Thus I take the plunge into the icy waters of blogging and the 21st Century.

1 comment:

  1. Quite a disclaimer! I think I'm going to enjoy reading this!!
