Friday, April 4, 2014

Unsung Mothers of the Old Testament--Introduction

In my journey Along That Path, I want to learn as much as possible, and I consider any day I don't learn something new to be a day wasted.  And if you know my family, you know we don't like to waste anything.

Part of that learning is learning more about being a mother, a mother like my mother was to me, a great mother, a mother my kids can look back on and say, "she wasn't perfect, but she loved us and we had a wonderful life."  So whenever I can learn from another mother, I don't hesitate.  I don't have all the answers, and neither does anyone else.  But we can learn from each other and help each other.

Some time ago, I was reading in Kings and Chronicles in the Old Testament.  Normally, I just gloss over the different kings unless there was something special about them.  For example, Josiah, who brought about badly needed reforms, or Hezekiah who also was a reformer.  On the wicked side was the infamous "Jeroboam son of Nebat" to whom other wicked kings are compared.  Unless something popped out as interesting, I just skimmed.  However, one day the line "his mother was [insert name]" impressed itself on me.  Why were these women noted when so many were not?  Is there a pattern? What can I learn from these women, good or bad?  We don't know much about them, but there are some things I believe Scripture teaches us through these women and what can be inferred about their lives.  I say inferred because not much is known about the women themselves.  But little gems can be picked out here and there, and those little gems are important.  I hope you enjoy your journey through the pages of history, through the lives of women of whom few have made note.

Unsung Mothers of the Old Testament is a chronicle of learning with a spice of humor for any mother, grandmother, potential mother, spiritual mother, or any woman who wants to learn from some of the most influential and most overlooked mothers in Scripture.

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