Thursday, June 12, 2014

The Old Gray Matter, She Ain't What She Used to Be

As I get older, I start to wonder if my mind isn't aging at an even faster rate than my body.  Of course, it could simply be having two young children and a husband in my care.  I simply don't see how people with lots of kids manage.  And far be it from me to judge anyone, but more than one wife or husband?

The past week and half have been crazy.  We have wrapped up Vacation Bible School with our final program.  I have had responsibility (started out as a helper, but any of you who are in churches know how THAT goes) for the skits, though thankfully, not the music also for the program.  That would indeed be overwhelming.  I have had practice (I was involved in drama in high school, college, and even before because my mother always managed the children's programs at our church when I was growing up), but I had forgotten the details that are necessary when doing even the smallest of theater productions.  The lists of props, making sure everyone has the right thing at the right time, blocking scenes where one of your main characters is a total clutz and you don't want anyone to get hurt.  It's been crazy but extraordinarily fun.  I've also forgotten how to memorize.  For some strange reason, the very easy lines the Host has (which part I have been playing), I can't seem to memorize.  I don't understand it.  But I suppose if I could understand it, I would be able to learn the lines better.

I have also been attending a practicum for the homeschooling curriculum we use (three days, 9-4 each day).  It's a wonderful, enjoyable, but intense curriculum.  These practicums are very helpful and encouraging.  They are also very challenging, especially to those of us who have been out of college for a good while.  I have been stimulated and challenged by these seminars, but I have also been mentally exhausted.  I take lots of notes because I know I won't remember all of it later.  Of course, doing something different from the normal routine means that the normal work will have to be squeezed into a much shorter time frame.

But back to my title.  My "gray matter" doesn't appear to want to cooperate these days.  If I don't write something down, I forget.  My grocery list is a perfect example.  I rarely make it through a trip to the grocery store that I don't come home and say, "Oh, rats!  I forgot something!"  If I don't do something immediately when I am thinking about it, I will forget.  This morning, I remembered I had to get something to make a campfire for our final program (no, not a real campfire for you fire fighters out there--I have a tea-light candle holder that looks like stacked wood).  I went straight away to get it and put it in the trunk of my car.  If I don't do that, it won't make it to the church with me. I keep finances by putting in bills ahead of time in my register (I use a budgeting and reconciliation program), so that I won't forget to pay them when the time comes.  I have a list of things I check before leaving the house: Stove off? (I have forgotten pots with food cooking on the stove before.  Burnt beans anyone?) Check.  Back door locked?  (Do NOT want to forget that one.) Check.  Wallet? (Really do need the drivers license.) Check.  Keys? (Okay, so I can't start the car without them, but I like to be careful.) Check?  KIDS?????  This is the big one.  Since I'm a stay-at-home mom, I don't go anywhere without my kids, unless it's a weekend or something and my husband stays with them.  I don't ever want to accidentally leave them.

So if your gray matter isn't what it used to be, take heart.  You aren't alone.  And for those of you whose gray matter is better than it ever was or was always just what it should be, please be forbearing with those of us who aren't quite up to your level.  Help us by sending us calendar reminders, texts, or whatever is needed.  Don't get impatient with us.  We are doing our best and really do wish to have our gray matter be what she used to be.

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