Monday, September 29, 2014


Have you ever thought to yourself, "I wish someone would just show up at my door or call or send me an email that would make me feel less stressed and tired today?"  If you have, you are not alone.  I have felt that many times.  But then I began to think to myself, "When was the last time you encouraged someone who needed it? When was the last time you did something to uplift the heart of another?"

My American Heritage Dictionary defines "encourage" as "to inspire with courage or confidence; to help bring about, foster." adds "to stimulate by approval, assistance, etc." and "to promote, advance, or foster."  Sharon W. Betters in her book Treasures of Encouragement, says it this way: "God's compassion streaming through us and into others is His 'divine solution' to problems of discouragement, grief, and sorrow.  God holds members of His body responsible for making sure that other members experience His love."  (Treasures of Encouragement, Copyright 1996 by Sharon W. Betters, R&R Publishing Company, p. 20)  In Anne of Green Gables, Marilla wonders how Anne could possibly understand God's love since she had never had it shown to her through human love.  I began to realize that in my own discouraging times, I could help others and both show the love of God to them and encourage myself in the process.

So I began to use the ideas in Mrs. Betters' book to encourage others.  I don't do it perfectly.  It takes time and energy, of which I have little, but I have found that when I do, my own need to be encouraged is sated for a while.  Some ways I have found to encourage others are very simple.  Some take little time, just a bit of effort.  I call someone who has been on my mind or send them an email or card.  I don't have to take a lot of time in conversation, but a simple voicemail often can uplift someone.  For example, over the last few weeks my friend Shannon has come to my mind frequently.  I have found myself praying for her and thinking of her quite often.  So I sent an email and then I called and left her a voicemail.  When we finally were able to talk for a bit, I was amazed to discover that she had been thinking of me and had actually had a dream about me and some others from our Bible Study.  I don't go crazy over "miraculous" events, but I don't discount the possibility either.  I believe God was using each of us to help the other and that He was responsible for our continued thoughts and prayers for the other.  Occasionally, I send flowers for no reason to a friend, and they often come at a moment when they are needed.  Or I make a meal for someone who is stressed and overwhelmed or who is simply laid up and could use a hand.

Please don't think I am making myself out to be someone great.  I still do far less than I ought to, simply out of sheer laziness sometimes.  But I want to encourage, inspire, and stimulate those of you who do feel the need of help from time to time to take the time to do something encouraging for someone else.  You might be surprised how much it uplifts you in the process.  You will also be the "medium of human love" through which God translates His love to someone else.

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